Tuesday 09/07/21 News and posts from the Web


This is a compilation of articles on the Internet, that may be useful in the upcoming festivities.


The Epoch Times


Newly-Released Documents Detail US-Funded Coronavirus Research at Wuhan Institute of Virology: Report



Archaeologists Unearth 1,500-Year-Old Industrial Site, Wine Press, Gold Coin From Byzantine Age Near Tel Aviv



Dolphins ‘Alert’ Rescue Crew to Missing Swimmer Stranded at Sea for 12 Hours



Drinking Enough Water May Prevent Heart Failure

A lifetime habit of staying hydrated has been linked to a lower risk of heart failure in later life


American Partisan



Documenting The Death Of America


OK, This Is Very Cool. Listen To Any Radio Station In The World

Posted on 

Go to Radio Garden, it’s kind of like Google Earth except every little green dot is a radio station. Go anywhere in the world, click on the green dot and listen to that radio station.

It took me a while and a cursory trip all the way around the world out of curiosity but I finally found me a Heavy Metal station in Hell , Michigan.

How appropriate, no?

It appears to be a repeater for Heavy Metal Radio.

You can even save your very own favorite stations.


Western Rifle Shooters Association

Western Rifle Shooters Association

“So the Afghan war ends as it began – with people falling to their deaths in desperation.” – WRSA Reader





We are now out of Afghanistan. This is such a relief after twenty years of futility, Joe Biden has been getting thanks from some surprising people—Ann Coulter and Richard Spencer, for example.

I’m as glad as they are. But I think the appalling mess Biden’s people made of the evacuation cancels out any gratitude due to the president. When the Soviet Union, on its last geriatric legs, made a cleaner, cheaper show of withdrawing from Afghanistan in defeat than we have, heads should roll.

A basic atom bomb depends on a mass of nuclear material going into a spontaneous fission reaction. You put two or more subcritical masses into some device, keeping them apart from each other. Then, when you want an explosion, you bring them together to form a critical mass. Bang!

Similarly, the current mess is the result of two subcritical masses of insanity coming together:

Our foreign policy insanity—these dumb missionary wars we keep getting involved with—has been a constant for decades now. It’s possible we have finally learned our lesson; but I seriously doubt it. I look forward to milking that insanity for commentary as long as I can work a keyboard.

So let’s see what this week has shown us about our immigration insanity. The focus of concern: the floods of Afghans we have taken in.

The original idea, which seemed reasonable (at any rate to me) was that we should take in and settle Afghans who had trustingly put their lives on the line to help us advance our foreign policy, as insane as that policy was. That would be a fair and decent thing to do.

As it’s worked out, though, none but a small proportion of the tens of thousands of Afghans we’ve brought in belong to that category. Most are just random Afghans who got to Kabul airport and bribed or elbowed or threatened their way onto a plane. Far from owning Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) papers to show they have at least claimed to have helped us, many have no papers at all.

Meanwhile, Afghans who are SIV applicants but could not make it to Kabul, are being hunted down and killed by the Taliban. Moral of the story: Put no trust in the U.S.A.

Ann Corcoran has noted that most of the incoming Afghans are likely being admitted on parole, not as refugees. What does “on parole” mean? If you follow Ann’s link to the Homeland Security Today website, you get this:

Parole does not confer immigration status and does not provide a path to permanent residency or the ability to obtain lawful immigration status. However, a parolee may be able to obtain lawful status in the United States through other means.

Information for Afghan Nationals on Parole into the United StatesHomeland Security Today, September 1, 2021

If you have been following immigration issues these past few years you will be rolling on the floor laughing at that. As Michelle Malkin says in regard to judgements and appeals in our immigration courts: “It ain’t over until the alien wins.”

With the two million or so illegals coming in across our southern border every year now and our immigration-control apparatus totally overwhelmed and demoralized, this will be more true than ever.

And our immigration insanity only starts there. It proceeds through the lunacies of Birthright Citizenship and unrestricted Chain Migration to a sort of generalized version of Michelle’s apothegm:

“It ain’t over until the alien, and all his offspring and relatives, and anyone who can buy fake papers in the local bazaar ‘proving’ he is a relative, win.”

Stateside, meanwhile, odds are we have just acquired a big new set of social problems we could very well have done without.

Afghanistan has a mean national IQ variously estimated as from 80 to 84. This is likely related to extraordinary levels of inbreeding.



On one hand, our ruling classes are as putrescent as any powdered princeling from France’s ancien regime. They have been for a very long time. Marie Antoinette may never have said, “Let them eat cake” when informed the deplorable masses had no bread. But today public and “private” figures like “let them eat ice cream” Pelosi, “take your jabs and pay no attention to my depopulation dreams” Gates, and “fighting climate change by blasting hydrocarbons from my private jet” Kerry are an undeniable fact of our lives.

It’s hard to say which is worse among the elite — arrogance or cluelessness.

Virtually every traditional institution has lost all credibility. No one of good sense trusts any any official or any piece of information they can’t verify for themselves.

In other words, if ever a regime was ready to prolapse into an oozing lump of rotted illusions, it’s this one.


Dealing with our new totalitarian reality, part I

Published August 30, 2021 3:39 am by Claire

There’s one thing you can say for totalitarianism: the coolest people will all be Outlaws.

They’ll import and export goods without government controls. They’ll provide free-market services. They’ll operate free communication networks. They’ll make unregulated products and sell them in unregulated ways. They’ll barter, use cash, use gold or silver, develop and use new forms of cryptocurrencies.

It’ll be just like Libertopia. Except, you know, with the ever-present threat of death or long, harsh imprisonment. But that’s what Outlaws are about.

Since totalitarianism is the direction we’re going, hey we might as well enjoy a few silver linings.


Author: Alfred E. Neuman

EDITOR ONLY, 77 year old geek, ultra-conservative patriot.

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Documenting The Death Of America

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Thoughts From Frank & Fern

Experiences from country living; self-sufficiency; Christian values; amateur-ham radio; a hard working good life; and Humor is the Essence of Survival.

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Michael Scheuer | Non-Intervention

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American Partisan

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A Lady of Reason

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Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts


Documenting The Death Of America

C. R. Wiley

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Lighting Up the Endarkenment

Bertin Classic Cycles

A weblog about Andre Bertin's bicycles.

Tactical Wisdom

Tactical Training with a Biblical foundation


Documenting The Death Of America

Spycraft 101

Your Clandestine Classroom

Thoughts From Frank & Fern

Experiences from country living; self-sufficiency; Christian values; amateur-ham radio; a hard working good life; and Humor is the Essence of Survival.

Adam Piggott

Gentleman adventurer

Michael Scheuer | Non-Intervention

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A Lady of Reason

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